I confess, I didn't really change today. In fact, I feel I regressed. And I can see that it's because my life is a bit murky and undefined at present, a whole lot of unknown and not-black-and-white-ness.
A brief overview of today: slept in (by a lot - thankfully it's still holidays, kinda). Breakfast I felt very odd, and it seemed to take forever to make. As much as I've trained my parents, they still have some different ideas about where things belong, and making breakfast for more than me requires different timings. Yes, this throws me. Finished (maybe) a painting, had coffee, did the vacuuming, had lunch, went to the gym, bought more paint. Taught my Friday afternoon students, discovered my fingerboard is starting to come off yet again. Had a quick dinner and went to church, as it was a eucharist in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the ordination of women priests.
The only potential changes would have been the painting, and going to the gym straight after lunch. It's fairly quiet then (good) but there was what looked like a school group arriving (potentially not so good). And the 20th anniversary was a first, obviously.
Purple and green banners were hanging down the pillars, and there were green lights in the transepts, purple lights at the crossing.
People had been asked to wear green and purple for the event, and for the recent Synod, as these were the campaign colours. I'd heard a rumour a while back that the ordained women would wear purple shoes - what a great idea! I only spotted one pair, on our deacon Ann. I wish I'd had the opportunity to take the photo when she was still robed.
Today's photo:
As I was leaving, walking down Ann St through a very light misty rain, it looked like the Suncorp tower was glowing. Admittedly, it's a bit hard to tell here... But this is also the first mildly-successful night shot I've taken on the iPhone. I do like a rainy city night scene.
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