If You Always Do What You've Always Done...Then You'll Always Get What You Always Got

Thursday 14 June 2012

Outfit #46 - Folky

Outfit details:

Skirt: Sinerji (swap).  White top: Ambra bamboo.  Red top: Grab denim (from Jeannie).  Stockings: Target.  Shoes: Hot Options.  Earrings: handmade ceramic from the Salamanca Markets, Hobart.

I couldn't get the lighting right today, so we have a flash version and a non-flash version.  I think the colours are more accurate in the non-flash version, but the light has done some weird reflective thing for the top.  So you get both versions. 

This outfit was the result of several tries.  First I was going to wear plain stockings, but then I discovered a hole (they'd just come off the line so hadn't been sorted yet).  This outfit - maybe.  These stockings with a different skirt.  No.  Original stockings with pants - ugh.  Plus all my pants are too long right now and I didn't like the choice of dragging hems around or wearing heels.  So here we are: choice 2 for the second time.  Not quite as weird as I would have expected. 

The Salamanca Markets are fabulous.  I try to plan my Hobart trips so I have a full Saturday morning free to wander and, you know, support the local economy.  And that's why I really love them - they really are local and not a heap of imported stuff that you can buy in all the shopping centres.  Meeting the actual person who made the ceramics, or turned the wood, or wrote the book - it gives it something special.  Surprisingly, I think this is the first wearing of these earrings this year - they definitely had to be worn in such a folk sort of outfit.  They are slightly bathroom-tile-ish, but the first cello in the school ensemble leaned up to me and, with very big eyes, whispered she really likes them. 

Striped stockings weren't going to really cut it with this skirt - at least, not yet.  My last student saw them and actually came over and touched them, thinking at first they were boots, and then to check if they were actually knitted.  She's 10.

Today's photo:

I had an idea what today's photo might be, but I spotted this bright orange hedge on the way from the station to school and had to snap it.

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