If You Always Do What You've Always Done...Then You'll Always Get What You Always Got

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Poached Eggs and Extreme Weather

Brisbane is in emergency, again.  Most of Queensland, it seems, and New South Wales as well.  Thanks to Cyclone Oswald, we've had torrential rain and howling winds.  Never has my house shaken so much.  Trainer Dan was confident it would be fine to train yesterday morning, but as I'd hurt my foot on Sunday I asked for a different day.  Glad I did, too, as Monday morning was scarier than Sunday.  This meant that I had all the time in the world on Monday morning.  I also had more eggs than normal in my fridge.  I nearly chickened out (ooh, sorry for that), but I made poached eggs.  For the first time ever.  I am pleased to report success.

A friend had shown me recently how to poach eggs, without saucers or swirling water.  I had a quick check on the internet, just in case, and figured I'd just give it a go.  I had plenty of eggs, just in case, but I got it right on the first try.  Slightly nervous about it, and having to coordinate differently with coffee and toast, I cooked them just a smidge longer than I'd like, but I still had a nice ooze from the second egg.

Other things that have been happening due to Extreme Weather: I've been beading - so far, I've mended a bracelet, made another bracelet, made a necklace that will most likely be worn as a bracelet, and made a 9-strand necklace. 

For the last weather emergency (the 2011 floods) power went out about lunchtime on the first day, and stayed off for 5 days.  Although it was a little tough not being able to see what was happening, I now appreciate the silence.  Yesterday I channel-surfed for most of the morning, and I watched the news in the evening, and by the end of it all I was over-newsed.  And unsatisfied, as there was little to no coverage of the places I really wanted to see (where my parents live, for example).

I also resorted to comfort food.  I baked my white chocolate, date and cardamom cookies (not so successfully, but they still taste good); I made corn fritters (first time); and I made pumpkin soup which I guess I'll be eating for a while. 

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