If You Always Do What You've Always Done...Then You'll Always Get What You Always Got

Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Short Pajamas

I was going to call this post simply "Pajamas" but then thought that might be misunderstood.  I assure you, I've been wearing pjs for a while.  However, it's been a really, really long time since I've worn short pjs.  In high school I remember having a dark green pair, but since then it's been long pants all the way.  My summer long pj pants are super lightweight and incredibly cool, but I started to notice that I was waking up with the hems around my knees.  On a whim, I looked for a shorter option.  I found bucket loads of 3/4 pants (tried, and same result as long pants), and eventually, tucked away discreetly, a couple of short options.  Actually, many short options in heavier materials, but what's the point of that?  Eventually, I found 2 pairs of light cotton boxers in my size.  Achievement.

And they are so lovely to wear.  I still wear the long pants occasionally, if the weather isn't too hot... Which means, on New Year's Eve when it was after midnight before I got to bed, and there might have been a night in late December, but it's been so hot lately!  For the first time ever, I've had my ceiling fan on medium during the night. 

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