If You Always Do What You've Always Done...Then You'll Always Get What You Always Got

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Outfit #28 - Autumn Business

Outfit details:
Skirt: Portmans.  Shirt: Miss Shop (from Jeannie).  Vest: Portmans.  Shoes: Pulp.  Earrings: Mombasa.  Jacket (below): Sportsgirl (from Jeannie).  Scarf (below): ?  from David Jones, anyway.

With so much black it's hard to see the details...
This skirt hasn't been worn by me for a few years.  It was one I tried on without checking the size and it turned out to be size smaller than normal, so it just didn't work for a little while.  Now it's fine though :)  The pinstripe in the skirt - as well as cute pleats - show up much more in an iPhone shot from school.

These shoes I think of as my Autumn Shoes (along with another pair that I'm thinking of wearing tomorrow).  I need to put another hole in the straps - they're just a little loose.  While I didn't lose a shoe, having them that slippy is really annoying.  That faded black/charcoal sort of colour makes them rather versatile though.

Today with the grade 3s we started holding the bow.  Now I feel like I'm really useful!  I didn't stop all morning, fixing, helping, adjusting, begging floppiness, and repeat.  No matter how many times their teacher said, over the bow, we still had fingers coming up from all angles.  The delight on their faces though when they had it right ("now, don't move!") was so rewarding.   One child I worry about though.  2 weeks ago was their first lesson after 3 weeks, and this child put her violin on her right shoulder while the teacher was helping the cellos.  She looked at me with a very concerned expression of "this doesn't feel quite right...".  I mouthed and motioned, "other shoulder" and she slowly moved it across, looking doubtful.  Once it was over there she looked so relieved.  I had a little moment of "maybe she should be doing viola...".  This week (they didn't have a lesson last week due to Anzac Day), when they were about to play after all the bow work, the same child did the same thing!  I had to laugh on the inside.  At least she's really enjoying violin and once her violin is in place properly, she's fine.  A few of the girls commented on the owl earrings - as I was passing by to rescue another bow hold, I'd hear quietly "I like your earrings" or "oh they're owls..."

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