If You Always Do What You've Always Done...Then You'll Always Get What You Always Got

Monday 4 March 2013

Outfit #111 - Staff Concert 2013

Looking in my wardrobe for tonight's outfit, I had a choice of the dress I wore for last year's staff concert, or the dress I ended up wearing. It's been a big more-than-a-week of concerts and gigs, with rainy weather to boot, so my black options are limited.  Up close, this dress has rosin marks on it - it's going straight in the wash.

Dress: Hot Options.  Leggings: ? Shoes: Target.  That's right, I forgot my earrings.  Ditz.  I also forgot my heels. 

I did remember my glasses, thanks to the student I had before I left home.  A few students at school hadn't seen them before.  The staff concert is not only great for the kids (and parents) to see their teachers playing at a professional level, but it's a good chance to meet and talk with parents.  This year's combined staff piece was the best yet - we all played strings, and had the school's leadership team (head of middle school, chaplain, that sort of leadership) get up and play strings too.  For the first time.  We even had a (musical) staff member conduct us.


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