If You Always Do What You've Always Done...Then You'll Always Get What You Always Got

Thursday 7 February 2013

Outfit #101 - Sandal Tan

The evidence of holiday sun is still apparent on my feet.  Thankfully, it's past the point of being really obvious.

Skirt: Hot Options.  Top: Regatta.  Shoes: Target.  Earrings: Oxfam.  Bracelet: made by me.

This was my first time wearing this top.  An impulse buy, and a warning - shopping with this particular friend could be dangerous.  "You should totally try that on.  It's 40% off and will look great on you.  See?  You should buy it".  Um, okay...  I had a few doubts about its wearability, but it's a winner. 

This skirt though...  No longer such a fan.  I was considering putting it in my giveaway pile.  Right now it's allowed to stay, but its days could well be numbered.  It's being saved by its functionality.

Ah yes.  Sandal tan.  And a really unattractive photo.  Apologies.

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